Services for Individuals
At D&C Financial Services we are well versed in supporting individuals wanting to utilize a professional service for tax preparation and planning. We offer a seamless start to finish, cost effective experience. Our extensive experience lets us go far beyond simply asking about deductions turbotax or most accounts ask. Many people come to us each year saying that they thought their refund would be higher than that calculated by Turbotax. We typically calculate a higher refund or a lower tax liability than other services since we know how to look for tax deductions that online or other providers did not suggest.
Contact us for a free consultation where we advise on the best strategy to ensure your greatest tax savings.
Click here to view our comprehensive tax organizer that will prepare you for your first step in your tax journey.
We offer the following
Income tax preparation for individuals
International tax returns for individuals
Personalized tax planning
Help with IRS notices
Personal financial statements